Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

I was recently reading the "Proust Questionnaire"
on the back page of the January issue of Vanity Fair.
The person being questioned was the music producer
T Bone Burnett who has worked with such people as
Elvis Costello and Elton John.

The third question caught my attention.
"What is your greatest regret?" 

Being that it is the end of one year and going into
a new one, I'm sure many of us pause to reflect on
the highs and lows of the past year and what we may
want to change or let go of in the new.   

I've often joked with my close friends that my biggest
regret in life is that I will not be able to finish reading 
all of the books that I want to read before I die.

Thus I enjoyed T Bone's answer to the interview question:
"What is your greatest regret?" 
(I'm using this without permission so I hope the
copyright people don't come after me!)
"I regret all the books I haven't read,
the music I haven't heard, the films I haven't seen,
the places I haven't been, the people I haven't loved
or loved as I should."

My hope for this New Year is that we can all
make amends, forgive and let go of the regrets that we
have collected over the year.  That the only regrets
that are left are the ones that leave us thirsty for new
experiences....for the things we haven't tried yet...
for the things we have put off and will set out to
accomplish as the New Year begins.

Happy New Year!!

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