Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Voice for ALS

Those of you who have been following my blog
know that my mother passed 2 years ago from ALS.
One of her biggest frustrations was that she lost her
ability to speak clearly and be understood.  Imagine
not being able to communicate with your family, friends,
and medical staff.  My mom would have told you she loved
to talk!  So to not be able to converse and communicate 
needs, on top of not being able to move....well,
it paints a sad picture.

I would like for those of you who feel comfortable doing so
to follow this link and add your voice to prompt Senator Wyden to 
pass the Steve Gleason bill. This vital legislation would help preserve 
Medicare coverage for speech generating devices (SGDs).  
SGDs are critical to the lives of people living with 
ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) who have lost the ability to speak.
It will take you less than a minute and possibly give
someone with this terrible illness the gift of a voice.

Please leave a comment to let me know that you have supported
this important legislation.  Thank you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Haiku Hangover

Hello my faithful blogging peeps,
It's been a rather rainy week.
I have a special word surprise,
Involving Haiku, you may surmise.  

It started at work but then unraveled
At The Wine Lab where it traveled.
Here's a toast to Haiku taste,
And not a word drop spilled in haste.

Those itchy bug bites
Tell of happy camping days
No more school in sight.

The feeder is full
Squirrels want birdfeed snacks today
                                                   Move little Nuthatch.

Flowerpot with blooms
One could outgrow your safe home
Nurture its journey.

Dashing waterfall
Consistent in its wooing
Courts the stoney hearts.

Strawberry icecream
Melting on lips and fingers
Better get licking.

Little legs pumping fast
Red pigtails fly like streamers
Summers best playmate. 


 Roses blush today
Flaunting silk petals of youth
No thought of winter.


 The girls will gossip
After a glass of good wine
Whisper louder please.

Delicate blossoms
On outstretched limbs: Forever
Releasing skyward.
~  Sandi

 The fast cold stream
Meets the tumbled stones
Turns aside, moves on.
~  Chris

Just learning tonight
Drunken Haiku with my friends
Slurring words is fun!
~  Debbie

I'll leave you with this final gem...

The scent of dog poop
Cooking on the hot pavement
Makes me walk faster. 

The unsigned poems are mine - 
the rest are guest poets.
Please feel free to send me your
spontaneous Haiku's!